Individually Developed Educational Activities in the Summertime

Our Core Values
COMPASSION: We provide a caring family-oriented environment for children with special needs, their families, and each other.
INTEGRITY: We are committed to providing an organized and financially sound program. We provide background checks on all staff and volunteers.
EXCELLENCE: We will be the best at our work and provide the highest quality educational program to our children. We are constantly striving to improve our program.
INNOVATION: We go above and beyond the norm and will be creative in providing services and solving problems.
TEAMWORK: We seek to collaborate and partner in all that we offer. Our staff teams together whenever possible and we strive to collaborate with community agencies.
FUN: We will provide a positive, friendly, and fun approach to learning.
One teacher heard the voices of several parents and their desire to allow their autistic children the same opportunities in the summer as their typical siblings.
While schools and communities are striving to make progress, there are still very few affordable opportunities for children with disabilities in the summer. While typical peers can independently with friends enjoy swimming at area pools, Little League, the public library and riding their bikes, autistic children are unable to do those things safely without trained supervision.
Camp I.D.E.A.S. provides an affordable opportunity for children with special needs to participate in these activities in a safe environment with trained, caring, mentors.

7 - students
1 - teacher
2 - aides
2 - volunteer directors
88 - students
7 - teachers
26 - aides
3 - aides with special needs
2 - directors
1 - music teacher
1 - speech teacher
1 - meal planner/cook
1 - job coach
1 - nurse aide
How we have grown...
134 - students
8 - teachers
35 - aides
5 - aides with special needs
2 - directors
1 - music teacher
1 - speech teacher
1 - meal planner/cook
1 - job coach
1 - nurse
1 - gym teacher
10 - volunteers
1 - behavioral teacher
2017 125 children
118 with special needs
8 teachers
1 art teacher
1 music teacher
1 gym teacher
2 behavioral specialists
2 directors
55 aides
5 aides with special needs
1 meal planner / cook
1 job coach
1 nurse
10 volunteers